Be confident when you speak English In English, you have to be very confident when you speak. In almost every non-English country people know and understand but they can't speak and the reason is lack of confidence. They are afraid of making fun of them so they never try to speak. So my friends if you want to speak English don't let it for tomorrow do it today and do it Now. Don't let Speak fluently whether you are right or wrong I mean it is possible to speak English fluently if you want, don't depend on anyone else. You have to be very clear about your goals so make your goals and work for them and achieve and be calm every time. Try as much you can When you try to speak English you will frustrate and after some time you feel comfortable with your English and that is the time you have to bespeak as much you can. Understand English but can't speak There are many ways to achieve English goals and people's most common problem is speaking English. Many people c...
It is very easy to learn English Confidently, actually, it's not if you don't have confidence in yourself. Try to speak English whether you are right or wrong; it doesn't matter because when you speak English confidently nobody won't laugh at you. There are some key points that make you more comfortable. Make strong vocabulary because when you are going to speak you feel that you know fewer words. Learn every day, whenever you have the opportunity. Read English newspapers, magazines.